Paris Update What’s New in Paris
Paris firemen of yore in a gym.After the terrorist attacks last November 13, which some of my friends witnessed up close, I wondered how one should react in such a horrific situation and then had a brainstorm: Paris’s sapeurs-pompiers (firemen) could offer classes on what to do to protect oneself and others. I never communicated this great idea to anyone, however. Luckily, someone else had the same stroke of genius, and free two-hour classes are now available on Saturdays at 1:30pm and 4pm in a few firehouses in Paris and its suburbs. For more information, click here, then on “La brigade de sapeurs-pompiers de Paris” (under the heading “Missions de sécurité civile”) and then on “Inscrivez-vous aux formations des gestes qui sauvent.” Make sure you sign up in advance, since there is room for only 15 people in each class. Heidi Ellison