Heidi Ellison

Heidi Ellison, a long-time Paris resident, is a freelance journalist specializing in art, travel and literature. Her articles have been published in dozens of international publications, and she has contributed to a number of guidebooks on Paris and France.

Lost in Frenchlation

March 15, 2016 | By Heidi Ellison | What's New Art & Culture

Even fluent French speakers sometimes have trouble understanding the dialogue in French films, so the new service offered by an association called Lost in Frenchlation, which subtitles French films in English, is a welcome one. The goal is “to make French … Read More


A Meal as Colorful as a Patchwork Elephant

March 8, 2016 | By Heidi Ellison | Restaurants

A few copies of the French-language version of the children’s book Elmer the Patchwork Elephant by David McKee sit decoratively on the hat rail at the new restaurant Elmer in the third arrondissement, but according to our waiter, the name has nothing to do with the book and was arbitrarily chosen after long reflection.

Le Furet Tanrade

February 17, 2016 | By Heidi Ellison | Food Shops, Shopping

Advantageously Known for Gorgeous Goodies I long ago gave up buying éclairs in Parisian bakeries – always the same choices, chocolate or coffee, with unconvincing pâte à choux that often veers too close to cardboard. Then L’Eclair de Génie, one … Read More