What’s New 12.09.12

September 12, 2012 | By Paris Update | Week events

Paris Update What’s New in Paris ELEPHANT PANAMEEléphant Paname: Brother and sister Laurent and Fanny Fiat, heirs to a supermarket fortune and respectively an artist and dancer, have opened an unusual new space in a Napoleon III mansion in Paris … Read More

What’s New 05.09.12

August 23, 2012 | By Paris Update | Week events

Paris Update What’s New in Paris PARIS-LONDON BIKE PATHL’Avenue Verte London Paris: Forget the Eurostar. Now you can cycle from Paris to London or vice versa along a marked path that takes you to Dieppe and across the Channel to … Read More

What’s New 25.07.12

July 24, 2012 | By Paris Update | Week events

Paris Update What’s New in Paris SAVE THE DUTCH CULTURAL CENTERInstitut Néerlandais: The Dutch government is threatening to cut off the subsidy of the Institut Néerlandais, the Dutch Cultural Center in Paris, which would mean its closure. The Institut Suédois … Read More

What’s New 18.07.12

July 18, 2012 | By Paris Update | Week events

Paris Update What’s New in Paris PARIS FOR PEDESTRIANSBerges de la Seine: Hooray for the new government! A truce has been declared in the longstanding war between the national government and the city of Paris. The new prime minister, Jean-Marc … Read More

What’s New 11.07.12

July 11, 2012 | By Paris Update | Week events

Paris Update What’s New in Paris BRITTANY IN PARISTy Miam Goz: A boutique specializing in products from Brittany, with regional beers and ciders, of course, but also Breizh Cola, the rebellious Bretons’ answer to that other cola, and kig ha … Read More

What’s New 04.07.12

July 4, 2012 | By Paris Update | Week events

Paris Update What’s New in Paris ILE DE SEGUIN ECO-CRUISEBalade Fluviale: Association Espaces is offering one-hour summer nature cruises around the Ile Seguin and the Ile Saint-Germain, just outside of Paris, Wed.-Sun. at 11am, noon, and on the hour from … Read More

What’s New 27.06.12

June 27, 2012 | By Paris Update | Week events

Paris Update What’s New in Paris TRENDY FRUIT JUICEAlain Milliat: The king of fruit juice has opened a shop, tearoom and restaurant specializing in the best fruits and vegetables. 159, rue de Grenelle, 75007 Paris. Tel.: 01 45 55 63 … Read More

What’s New 20.06.12

June 20, 2012 | By Paris Update | Week events

Paris Update What’s New in Paris WALKING DRAMAArc-en-Noir: Kosovo-Kosova: A walking play in the Parc de Belleville about a young woman in Kosovo. Written and directed by Kassia Aleksic. Meet at 45, rue des Couronnes, 75020 Paris. June 22, 4pm-6pm; … Read More

What’s New 13.06.12

June 13, 2012 | By Paris Update | Week events

Paris Update What’s New in Paris FILM CLUBLe Ciné Cubi Klub: Little-known movie masterpieces shown at the Cinéma Action Christine in the company of fellow film freaks, followed by a discussion, of course. Check Web site for dates and times. … Read More

What’s New 06.06.12

June 6, 2012 | By Paris Update | Week events

Paris Update What’s New in Paris CAFE/BAR/CLUBL’Inconnu: Trendy bar and café with good Italian coffee upstairs, club (free-entry) with DJs downstairs. 17, rue de Mazagran, 75010 Paris. Tel.: 01 45 23 95 37. SHOPSLa Chambre aux Confitures: Nothing but jams … Read More