What’s New 13.06.12

June 13, 2012 | By Paris Update | Week events

Paris Update What’s New in Paris FILM CLUBLe Ciné Cubi Klub: Little-known movie masterpieces shown at the Cinéma Action Christine in the company of fellow film freaks, followed by a discussion, of course. Check Web site for dates and times. … Read More

What’s New 06.06.12

June 6, 2012 | By Paris Update | Week events

Paris Update What’s New in Paris CAFE/BAR/CLUBL’Inconnu: Trendy bar and café with good Italian coffee upstairs, club (free-entry) with DJs downstairs. 17, rue de Mazagran, 75010 Paris. Tel.: 01 45 23 95 37. SHOPSLa Chambre aux Confitures: Nothing but jams … Read More

What’s New 30.05.12

May 30, 2012 | By Paris Update | Week events

Paris Update What’s New in Paris RESTAURANT/CLUB/CAFEWanderlust: Finally, part of Les Docks, Cité de la Mode et Design will open to the public on June 6. Brunch on the terrace, take a yoga class, take in a concert or dance … Read More