Le Huffington Post


January 18, 2012By Heidi EllisonWhat's New Eat & Drink

Paris-Update Le-huffington-post
The homepage of the French edition of The Huffington Post may look U.S.-centric, but the front-page story changed later in the day to French unemployment.

Le Huffington Post, the French-language version of the The HuffPo, went online Monday with a coup that was sure to make the French media stand up and pay attention: last week, it was announced that journalist Anne Sinclair, wife of former IMF head Dominique Strauss-Kahn, was to be its editorial director. The press conference on Monday, attended by Arianna Huffington and Sinclair and held on the premises of Le Monde, the site’s French partner, was overflowing with photographers and journalists of every stripe. DSK’s name came up in a question to Sinclair about how impartial she could be about certain stories (her husband is due to be questioned in relation to an investigation of a prostitution ring in Lille, France, and the couple is suing a number of French media outlets for their coverage of the story). She promised that the site’s coverage would be the same for all stories. Le Huffington Post offers some original reporting and blogs in French, translations from its other national versions and links to outside sites.


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