Former French Prime Minister Valéry Giscard d’Estaing’s new novel, La Princesse et le Président (Fallois-XO), about the love affair between a former French prime minister and a princess strongly resembling Lady Di, as the French still call her, raised a storm of speculation in the press until Giscard admitted that it never really happened. Gossip mag Paris Match went so far to feature a photo of the two real-life protagonists on its cover, but the appearance of an extra hand between the couple led to accusations that the magazine had airbrushed Giscard’s wife, Anne-Aymone Giscard d’Estaing, out of the picture. Paris Match’s photo editor, Marc Brincourt, vehemently denied the charge when contacted by daily newspaper Libération, saying that the missing wife in question was simply (conveniently) hidden behind Lady Di in the photo.