Paris Update What’s New in Paris

Customers hard at work at L’AntiCafé.
Following Craft, a handsome café designed as a place for freelancers to work, a new Wi-Fi-equipped office-haven-away-from-home with a different concept has opened: L’AntiCafé (79, rue Quincampoix, 75003 Paris; tel.: 01 73 73 10 74; open daily until 11pm). The idea is that you pay for the time you spend there (€4 for the first hour and €3 for every hour thereafter, or €14 for the whole day) and can eat and drink at no extra cost anything you want from a selection of snacks (chips, cookies, etc.), fruits and hot and cold drinks (no alcohol). Customers are free to bring their own food and borrow books from a small library. The staff is friendly and the atmosphere serious yet laid-back. The AntiCafé also hosts occasional workshops and performances. Oh, and the Wi-Fi is high-speed. Heidi Ellison